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Journeying from Valladolid to Chichen Itza with a Cenote Suytun Detour

From Cancun to Chichen Itza we were separated by some 210 km for which we estimate no less than 2 hours of travel. Our intention was to arrive first thing in the morning. tomorrow , precisely at 8, which is when it opens. Fact to keep in mind that in the area where it is located Chichen Itza There is an hour less difference so don't plan on arriving at 8 in Cancun because it will be closed. Leaving at 7 they arrive perfectly and during the first hour the ruins are quite empty.

Then the tours and their giant buses begin to fall, so the calm disappears. What I do go ahead to tell you is that in terms of cost, it is always advisable to do it with tour. Doing it on your own only gives you the comfort of managing your schedules and avoiding the influx of tourists at the worst hours.

Another super interesting fact, and one that I speak from experience, is that during the entire journey there is no service stations , just about 50 km before Chichen Itza. I left with only 2 lines of fuel thinking about refueling halfway through the trip and ended up being assisted at the toll so they could refuel us…. There's no need to clarify how much more we had.

We start with the billsFor gasoline they already have no less than 500 Mexicans, which would be about a thousand Argentine pesos, for tolls it is another 900 Mexicans round trip and I think I fall short.

Entrance to Chichen Itza

To get there we used our cell phone since we had data but the signaling It's very good so it's almost not necessary. We continued with the parking costs, about 70 Mexicans, you can leave it on the street before the entrance and they will take care of it for you, I don't know how much the difference will be but the parking gave me more confidence.

And we got to take out the entrance and we were completely scared with what we had spent to come to this place. Each one 480 Mexican pesos, it seems that this year it went from 242 to that value and it caught us just right.

Therefore, the entire trip was more than 100 dollars, not counting if we wanted to hire the guide who charged us both 50 dollars more for a 1:30 tour.

With this I do not mean that it is not worth it, obviously it is and when traveling one cannot pay attention to these things. But if they are short on budget, it is for them to take it into account and at least look favorably on the tour option, which perhaps for the same money includes lunch, a guide and a visit to the cenote.

We had seen that we had to pay for a professional camera but luckily they did not charge us for that….
What to see in Chichen Itza besides the pyramid
Once inside we started reading something history about the place, something that we recommend you do to understand a little of the history and not just be left with the photo.

It took us approximately an hour and a half. walk through it longer than it took us to take some photos that we took at the beginning.

The main building is The Castle Kukulkan which is the famous pyramid that we see in the photo, which represents the Mayan calendar, located in what was the political, cultural and religious center of the Mayan empire.

Among the others we can find the most important ones: the temple of the warriors, the observatory and the ball game court, where the most important game for this society was played and which still preserves the rings through which the ball was supposed to pass. .

Both in the pyramid and on the field you will hear people shouting or applauding to show the echo and rebound effect generated by these constructions.

Even if it is early in the morning the heat is felt, although there are several places with shade and stones to rest a little. Also inside the premises, crafts, keychains, magnets and everything commercial related to the ruins are sold.

The place is unique and having also visited Tulum and despite the fact that the entrance is cheaper, in every way the ruins of Chichen Itza are much better, understanding for us that they should not be missing from the itinerary of anyone who visits this area for the first time. from Mexico.

Passing through Valladolid

Valladolid is about 50 kilometers from Chichen Itza, making it a good stop for lunch and visiting this charming city that maintains the colonial style of the Spanish era.
Cenote Seytun
But first we decided to go through one of the cenotes that are near this city. There are several but our choice was Seytun and we have no regrets. The photo says it all, the entrance costs 120 Mexicans and driving around gave us the benefit of being almost alone.

When we arrived there were four buses parked and the cenote was full of people, but on the tours you have to adhere to schedules so everyone was called to lunch. That call was glory for us, leaving the cenote to enjoy it in peace.

Obviously, being a closed cenote, there is a lot of humidity and the water is quite cold. But after walking through Chichen Itza I assure you that it is more than good. The cenote has free private parking.
City of Valladolid
Once in the city our first stop was for lunch. We chose the Sazón de Valladolid, which by the way we recommend to eat typical dishes.

From there we continue along the Calzada de los Frailes, the most typical street in Valladolid where there are colorfully painted colonial houses next to each other and very well maintained. Leaving the tourist area we find what we would call a small town.

It was already quite hot and we were eager to return to the hotel, so our last point was to tour the square, where the highlight is the Church of San Servatius, which is quite old. We also visited the Municipal Palace with free access, being able to have a view of the square from its balconies.

We still have some churches and convents pending that are attractions of the city as well as the Zací cenote, which is within Valladolid and looks very beautiful from photos.

I don't know if there will be a next visit because they are one of those places that, despite being very beautiful, the cost and distance don't work in your favor at all, but hey, never say never.

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